Earlier in the summer I created animated sequences for a short film called Love Struck. This was a live-action film for the BBC directed by Leyla Pope who saw my work in Wales and asked me to get involved. I usually work in puppet animation but for this project I created 2D drawn animations which in the film are used to represent a small boy's imagination. You can read more about my process and the film on the Love Struck website.
My set-up in the studio whilst animating
The film premiered in Wales at the beginning of November to a warm reception, was broadcast on the BBC last week, and you can now see the film on BBC iPlayer until Tuesday 20th December 2011 here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/i/b017hf5h
Composer Jack Westmore, me, and Director Leyla Pope
at the Love Struck premiere
1 comment:
Dear Joe, your sketches look perfectly lovely, I'm pretty curious to see them from a bit closer, also would love to see the film... but I'm not in the UK.
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